Insurance is a form of gambling – you win if you lose (get sick and claim to require health care) and lose if you win (remain healthy.) There is no reward for eating well, exercising and not making stupid choices. Why should people who take prudent care of themselves be forced to pay into a gambling pool for the treatment of those who willfully chose not to? How is it American to force people into this gambling pool?

Add to that the fact that I don’t even want the “prize” of modern medical treatment if I “win” by getting sick. Modern medicine was hijacked nearly a century ago by Rockefeller and Carnegie who bought seats on every medical college board to influence their direction in favor of Big Pharma profits. Consequently, today, all doctors are now licensed and trained in institutions that indoctrinate them how to push pills and perform surgery; little to no time is spent on nutrition and actual healing, while ancient effective healing arts like acupuncture, chiropractics and naturepathy are shunned by modern medicine and the health insurance industry. Big Pharma, bureaucrats, and stupid people remain the only true “winners” in the gambling racket of mandated health insurance.

About lkempen

Not one to be easily categorized, I'm here to try to spread the truth in a world where evil is now deemed to be good, and good is deemed evil. I am a Christian, wife, mother, and patriot. It has been said that the only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing, so rather than "sitting and taking it," I am "standing up" to spread the truth. My Christian beliefs are Biblical, not denominational. I'm married to an absolutely amazing man, who happens to be a severely disabled US Army veteran, and is the love of my life. My children, are a joy, and great blessing; never ceasing to amaze me with their wit, intellect, and talents. As a patriot, I am exceedingly disheartened to witness what has happened to this great nation that our founding fathers worked so hard to protect from the ever impending threat of tyranny. While all that is happening is Biblically prophetic, we are not called to passively watch evil increase its hold; but instead to spread the truth, which is good news. So I am writing this blog to do just that, stand up for truth. Please join me, in the fight for truth, and freedom.
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  1. Pat says:

    Reblogged this on COMMON SENSE and commented:
    Insurance is a form of gambling – you win if you lose (get sick and claim to require health care) and lose if you win (remain healthy.) There is no reward for eating well, exercising and not making stupid choices. Why should people who take prudent care of themselves be forced to pay into a gambling pool for the treatment of those who willfully chose not to? How is it American to force people into this gambling pool?

    Add to that the fact that I don’t even want the “prize” of modern medical treatment if I “win” by getting sick. Modern medicine was hijacked nearly a century ago by Rockefeller and Carnegie who bought seats on every medical college board to influence their direction in favor of Big Pharma profits. Consequently, today, all doctors are now licensed and trained in institutions that indoctrinate them how to push pills and perform surgery; little to no time is spent on nutrition and actual healing, while ancient effective healing arts like acupuncture, chiropractics and naturepathy are shunned by modern medicine and the health insurance industry. Big Pharma, bureaucrats, and stupid people remain the only true “winners” in the gambling racket of mandated health insurance.

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